The Gospel for Misericordias Domini is John 10.11-16. St. Cyril of Alexandria comments on the image of mankind as wandering sheep, having fallen prey to two wolves, the devil and death. The following excerpt is taken from the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (InterVarsity Press):
Humanity, having yielded to an inclination for sin, wandered away from love toward God. On this account we were banished from the sacred and divine fold, I mean the realm of paradise. Having been weakened by this calamity, we became the prey of two bitter and merciless wolves: namely, the devil who had beguiled humanity to sin; and death, which had been born from sin. But when Christ was announced as the good Shepherd over all, in the struggle with this pair of wild and terrible beasts, he laid down his life for us. He endured the cross for our sakes that by death he might destroy death.